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Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación/ Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional
27 Feb 2024
Start time: 12:30

Frontiers of Data Technologies: Closing the tech divide for humanitarian and development

Theme: Big data / analítica, Inteligencia artificial, Integración de sistemas
The potential of frontier data technologies like Big Data or AI to improve humanitarian and development work is immense. Yet, realizing its potential requires technology, talent and data resources harder to find in vulnerable and challenged areas. While recent analysis shows average returns of $32 for every $1 invested in strengthening data systems in low- and middle-income countries, the gap between data technology and the needs of the most vulnerable keeps growing. Our speakers will offer complementary perspectives on the opportunities, needs and actions needed to close this critical gap, shedding light at the intersections between closing the data divide, social good and core business.


Antón Leis
Director AECID Agencia Española de Cooperación para el Desarrollo
Mr. Leis is AECID Director, held key roles at OECD, including Counsellor to the Sec. General. Senior EU, G20 and the Spanish Prime Minister's Cabinet
Kitty Van Der Heijden
Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF
Ms. van der Heijden’s career in international development spans over 35 years – working for government, non-governmental organizations and UN entities
Elena Alfaro
BBVA Global Head of Data & Advanced Analytics, BBVA
Ms. Alfaro leads BBVA's digital transformation, ML for core intelligence and data strategy. Former CEO of BBVA Center for Excellence in Data Science.
Esther Paniagua
Award-winning independent Spanish journalist and author, specialized in science, technology, cybersecurity and the social impact of innovation.