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OpenNebula Systems
27 Feb 2024
Start time: 15:00

Accelerating 5G Telco Edge Deployments with OpenNebula

Theme: Servicios de software, Infraestructura de red, 5G/6G
In this talk we will present four use cases for modernizing existing telco networks, helping to simplify operations, deploy 5G networks quickly, and adopt open frameworks like Open RAN. Some of these features are being developed under the Project (UNICO I+D 6G), whose aim is to perform advanced research on AI techniques and Zero-Touch resource management methods for the efficient deployment and operation of distributed 5G edge environments. Its ultimate goal is to make it easier for new industrial actors to leverage 5G-Advanced infrastructure, implementing energy-optimization policies and low latency for the deployment at scale of advanced data processing services.
OpenNebula Systems
Alfonso Carrillo Aspiazu
Sr. Edge Solutions Architect
Involucrado en la industria telco desde los años 90, actualmente ayuda a empresas telco europeas a adoptar OpenNebula y otras tecnologías Open Source